ROW ROW ROW THE BOAT.....The "Heat" is on!!
Tankerton FC has signed up to take part in this thrilling race. This exciting and adrenaline seeking challenge is a superb way to raise much needed funds for our club. This year there will be 60 boats racing in this event, all for registered charities, Tankerton FC are amongst them. We have 16 coaches and a cox committed to taking part, rowing a minimum of 3 heats, possibly more if we can win our heats taking us through to the knockout stages. We must say a big thank you to them for volunteering to be put through their paces. As the team takes on this adrenaline challenge we now need your support to make it an even greater fantastic day out for families, friends and supporters of TFC. As the team race the Dragon we really need your support to keep them rowing faster but more importantly in raising funds for our charity and community club.
You can do this by simply clicking on this link and visiting our BT Donate Dragon Boat event page: Every donation helps so let's ‘drum’ up as much support as we can and support our coaches’ row as fast as they can in the biggest Dragon boat race in Kent.
Each player within the club will be given a sponsor form to generate as many donations as they can to support THEIR club, so don’t forget to tell all your family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours and businesses to support this worthy cause. There will be a prize for the team who generates the most fundraising. Jason Tongue’s team took part in this charity event in 2013 and raised a phenomenal £1000 from just their team alone, so the opportunities for our whole club are immense.
Finally, if you would like to be a sponsor for the event there is still time, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Don't miss out on the fun!!!